Late registration 2018

Registration Fees:
  • Junior researcher (BSc/MSc/PhD student)/retired academic: €45
  • Senior researcher/post-doc/technical staff: €75
  • Non-academic: €80
  • Dinner: + €45
Keep in mind that the early bird registration deadline is December 21st, 2018! After this date, the registration fee will be raised by €25.
The FINAL registration deadline is January 4th, 2019!

Please register as a user to access the registration page:

You will not receive an e-mail about this user registration, so please make sure not to forget your username and password!
You will immediately be required to log in on the next page once you click ‘register user’ and then be able to proceed to the meeting registration page.
Note to previous users: user accounts from previous years have been erased, so please register for a new account.